
  • Establish, create, organize and conduct nurseries to grow seedlings under the same harsh conditions in order to be adapted.
  • Create companies producing COMPOST by composting vegetal and organic residues.
  • Establish and build factories which can produce and process needed materials for the SAFE TREE, near the sites of the afforestation – reforestation projects.

In many countries there are not any nurseries near the site of the project, so AZA in collaboration with the local people establish nurseries in order to produce the necessary quantities of seedlings appropriately growing.

It is also indispensable to create COMPOST producing companies and AZA is in a position to do it.

AZA can also establish and build factories which can produce SAFE TREE system’s components.

Planting a tree is believing in tomorrow

Are you ready and willing to finance an afforestation - reforestation project in your dry home country?

AZA is ready to implement it successfully, or provide you with the appropriate SAFE TREE model to apply it on your own.